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Game Name : Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside
System : Macintosh
Date Added : 2002-10-12 00:11:28
Views : 58896

Walkthrough :
Here are tips for Pajama Sam in no need to hide when it's dark
outside. I'm William Walker. This game can be frustrating until you figure out some connections.

In this game Pajama Sam must solve a dilemma. To do so, he must
often first have to collect certain items. Most of the time you must get other items first. But the connections between items can be quite hard to understand. That's why I made these tips to tell you what to do.

In Pajama Sam items appear when you move the mouse to the
bottom. Pajama Sam is for kids slightly older than most kids who
play Freddi Fish. It starts with Pajama Sam reading a comic book
about Darkness, a character who wants to send the world into night.
Then he goes to sleep but is so afraid of the dark he decides to change his name from Sam to Pajama Sam and become a superhero and
capture Darkness. So he gets out of bed and has to find his mask,flashlight, and lunchbox. Possible places they can be are under the rug, under the bed, inside a drawer, above the trash can, or in the trash can. Oh, and also collect socks whenever possible for the whole game. They are fun although not necessary to get. Click around until the items are found, then go into the closet and you get sent to another world—a world of darkness.
First go right two screens and Pajama Sam steps on a trap and is
pulled up to the Custom trees who take his stuff and hide it in the land of darkness. Once that happens, click the rope that holds him and Pajama Sam will get himself down, and also can keep the rope.
Then go left one screen and use the rope to get the wooden board in the water. Then go up to the place in front of Darkness' house. You can now start trying to get the stuff. Here's how.


Often the Mask is in the garden near the well. Getting there won't be
easy. First you have to go right from the place in front of Darkness'
house to Otto the boat. Unfortunately he won't go in the water
because he thinks wood sinks. Use the board on him and Pajama Sam
drops it in the water, and Otto is convinced that wood floats. Now
jump into Otto by clicking on him and then go up. Now you can go in
four directions. Go up/right and click the hollow log on the left.
Pajama Sam gets his head stuck, but this is a blessing in disguise. Go
up, then up/right (Sam's a little hard to control when his head is
stuck, you have to click quickly or you go the wrong way) to some
trees. Don't worry, they'll let Sam by because they think he's a tree
too (I told you it was a blessing in disguise). Then you find a garden
with a wishing well further on. One of the carrots in the garden may
be wearing your mask. If so, click it. When you click it, the carrot
explains he needs it to protect his identity as a Carrot Freedom Fighter
and will give it to you if you help free his friends in Darkness's
Return to the place in front of Darkness' house and go up to the
house. Get into the lower basket and click on the three rocks. Pajama
Sam picks up one. Your cursor is a rock now. Click on the upper
basket. Repeat with all three rocks to weigh down the upper basket
enough to get into Darkness' house. Go through the door on the left
(the one with the knife and fork above) and once in the kitchen use
the carrot on the refrigerator to free the carrots, and you get the mask.
There's a little song too.
But if the mask is not in the garden you've got an ordeal ahead. In
this case the mask is in the dancing room (the door second from the
left in Darkness' house). The problem is, when you try to get it
everything stops moving and the couch sits on the mask. The first
step is getting past the Doors of Knowledge. Go up the stairway to the
left in Darkness' house and click the doors and they come to life.
Click the catagory of question you want to answer and then answer it
correctly to get a star for that catagory. If you by any chance are
wrong, you lose a million bucks (just kidding). You just have to try
again with a new question. However, one of the catagories is always
Land of Darkness. When you get the question you only get possible
answers if you have been to the place. If the question is "What is the
number on the water meter in the mines?" you must gain access to the
mines first. That is covered next. Once all catagories have stars you
can go through any time you want. Next step is gaining access to the
mines. That's not really hard. Just get in Otto and go to the place
where you can go in many directions, and go up/left twice. You see a
small toolshed and an oil can on the far left. Pick it up and go to the
mine (left of Darkness' house) and use the oil can on King the old
mine car to rid him of the rust on his wheels. Now you can ride King
anywhere in the mine. Once that's done, go back to the toolshed and
use the oil can on the hinges to get in. Get the hammer on the stool
Then make sure the dumbwaiter is down by hitting the green
button in the kitchen next to it and go through the Doors of
Knowledge. From there go right down/right, into Darkness' den.
Then, read the book in front of Sam and it tells you to push books
only of a certain color to go through the secret door. Click those
books and the door spins around. See the magnet on the other side?
Go down to a one-way door. Hit the button next to the one-way door
to open it. Now you are in the mine and can go through when you
want. Go back through the door and go up/right through a small door
into Darkness' laboratory here you find the dumbwaiter. Get in and
hit the green button to go back to the kitchen. Press it again to send it
back down. Now go through the Doors of Knowledge and into
Darkness' den. Grab the magnet. Go through the secret door and into
the mine, then go one screen left from the one-way door. See the nail
down there on the rock? Use the magnet on it to attract it. Note: This
is where the water meter is. If you need it to get through the Doors of
Knowledge go to the entrance of the mine and one sceen right, then
Go back through the door and into the laboratory. Note: the
dumbwaiter should be there. If not, go to the kitchen and send it
down.Now keep clicking on the red chair until it is below the blue
stuff on the right (can be a while). Now click the formula and Pajama
Sam climbs on the chair to get the formula, but it breaks. (No no no,
the chair, not the formula, silly).Use the hammer and nail to fix it.
Now get the formula and go through the book until you reach the
invisibility formula. Mix up the ingredients it tells you in the right
order to make yourself invisible, then quickly go into the dumbwaiter
and press the button to return to the kitchen. Now go in the dancing
room and nobody sees you, so you can get the mask. You must go
fast before the formula wears off.


One place it can be is inside the shed near the waterfall. Go past the
Doors of Knowledge and get the doorknob. Now go to the toolshed,
put the doorknob on it, oil the hinges, and go in and get the flashlight
(stand on the stool to get it). The other place took me so long to figure
out, and it's very hard. Get the hammer on the stool in the toolshed
and get the pickax by the one-way door in the mine. Then go into the
gold section of the mine. You must quickly go up/left at the second
screen or you go the wrong way. Wait until you reach the gold ore
and use the pickax to get some gold out. Then go to Otto and head
up/left to the toll bridge. Give him your gold and he lets you through.
You're now in a park. Click the pencil on the right next to the guy
who plays cheese and crackers with you (explained in mini-games
section)and he explains he needs to get to the construction crew and
goes with you. Now go to the mine and go right. When you stop, you
see a passage to the right blocked by boards. Use the hammer to clear
them and go through the passage . Use the pencil on the wall and he
tells you the order to draw lines, like "count by tens". Once that's
done, the construction crew appears and dynamites the wall. Go
through the passage through some pitch dark screens. When you stop,
click on the other side of the screen of the dip in the track, and King
crosses over there. Do that and quickly click the switch above and
Pajama Sam jumps out of King and hits the switch, landing back in
King. Now go up/left and through the passage again, only now it's lit.
When you find the flashlight, go up the right side track to a winch
missing a gear. Remember what the gears look like and go to
Darkness's house, and into the dancing room. When everyone stops,
click on the clock. Then go through the Doors of Knowledge and
right to the grandfather clock. Click on him and then his gears and he
offers to give you one in return for setting his hands to the correct
time. Do so (you hear a chime when it's correct) by remembering
what the clock said and then choose the gear that fixes the winch.
Then go there and use it. If it doesn't work, go back to the
grandfather clock and give him back the gear to get another. Once the
winch is fixed, go down and clickon the hook to pick it up, then put it
on King's back. Then use the winch to pull him up, get in King, and
release the hook by clicking it. You go so fast you reach the higher
track with the flashlight.


If the Lunchbox is at the well, you can't just walk up to it because of
the thorns. Instead go past the Doors of Knowledge and left to the
music room. The next part is tough. Jump on the stool, then the piano
and then on the light. You must swing back and forth harder and
harder until you can reach the oars. The trick I use is to click once to
start swinging, and whenever Pajama Sam starts swinging right, there
is a small noise. Click right after that at the right time and you start
swinging harder. Keep this up until you get the oars. You can make
your own strategy if you want. It is quite difficult. Once you have the
oars, go to the toolshed and then go up to the waterfalls. Once at the
bottom go left. Go through the passage with the bucket going up and
down. Use the oars on Otto to help him get past the current and jump
in the bucket to go up to your lunchbox. The other place it can be is at
the bottom of the falls, in the water. Get the magnet (how to get it is
in the mask section) and use it to attract the lunchbox to you. It's
metal, remember?

End add-on

After getting your stuff, go up/left from the Doors of Knowledge and
through the door. Now you're in a place like your bedroom, only with
vines and other stuff everywhere. Click the cabinet on the right and
keys fly out. Click it again to find one key that stayed put. It is the key
that unlocks the closet door. Go inside and find out the
truth—Darkness isn't so frightening and becomes Pajama Sam's
friend. And Pajama Sam isn't afraid of the dark, so they both live
happily ever after, until the next adventure. Congrats! You completed
the game!


There are two mini-games.
Cheese and Crackers—See the flashlight section for getting past the
toll bridge. Once you are in the park click the gray guy on the right
who looks a little like a toaster. Now you must try to be the first to get
three in a row. Who goes first is random. You can also play on the
middle-sized board, where you must get four in a row. Or you can try
the big board where you must get five in a row. You can play games
to your hearts content.
Nuggets—In the gold section of the mine you can find a remote
control monitor. Keep in mind that you often must go in one direction
quickly or you go the wrong way. Once you've found it click it to
play this game. As a mine cart you must pick up all the crystals
without hitting anything—lava, rocks, the edge or yourself. To move,
press the arrow key in the direction you want to go. The mine cart
moves automatically and you can just turn it and change its speed.
You can also click the arrows on the bottom to move. As you collect
crystals they trail behind you. You get bonus points for grabbing
glowing crystals and other goodies, including the weird bird guys.
You also get bonus points for grabbing crystals in a row so that as the
crystals come the back of your cart stays in the same place. Hold
down arrow keys to speed up. Use TNT to blast away rocks and
tunnels to warp to another tunnel. Every crash costs you a cart. Lose them all and you're out. Every time you beat a level you get a new cart.

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