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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Devil May Cry 4 Game Name : Devil May Cry 4 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2008-05-21 14:04:54 Views : 24060 Defeating Sanctus Use the following trick to defeat Sanctus inside of Sparda in Mission 20. While Sanctus is airborne in his shield, get close and break it with sword attacks just like earlier in the game. However, he will sometimes block with the Sword of Sparda. When he does this, use the uppercut technique to break his guard. If you are skilled you should use the Devil Trigger while he is in the air to use a special combo to force him to the ground. If you fail to do the air combo just let him fall to the ground. You may be able to get a few sword-based shots in but do not try to rely on this because he may escape. At this point, use the uppercut in Devil Trigger form, if at all possible. Afterwards he will go back to being airborne again, in which case you should drop the Devil Trigger. After you have broken his health down to about the 10% to 15% mark, he will use a charging sword attack (however, if you have perfected the aforementioned combo, you may bypass this). Defeating him requires timing. At the precisely the correct moment of his charge towards you, uppercut and break his guard. Again, as soon as it is broken get into the Devil Trigger uppercut and finish him off. In the second battle against Sanctus, as the False Prophet, timing is once again crucial. All you must do is uppercut his attacks away. Accomplishments Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding accomplishment. To view your accomplishments, go to "Mission Menu", then "Network", and "My History".
Art Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding artwork.
Defeating Berial Use Grim Grip to reel yourself close to his head and attack with your sword. Once the combos are done use Grim Grip while still in the air. When his flames are gone, jump up to his head. Grab his head with the Devil Bringer then once he lands from that use Devil Bringer again to throw and punch him. After that, run away a short distance because he will release an explosion in the area around him. Make sure to pick up Green Orbs from the destroyed buildings and roll to avoid his flame geysers and sword attack. Continue attacking in this manner and use your Charge Shot to defeat him in under a minute. Sanctus' Shield To easily drop Sanctus' Shield during either of his encounters, make sure you have a full Exceed gauge (Ex-act or Max-act helps). Approach Sanctus, jump, and perform an Ex Calibur. If the full combo hits, his shield will be down. You can now proceed to make him fully vulnerable to attack using the above method, or however desired. Super Nero costume Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode. Super Dante costume Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode. Alternate ending sequence Successfully complete the game. Protect Kyrie during the credits mini-game for over 90 seconds to view the rest of the ending sequence featuring Dante, Trish and Lady. Dark Slayer style This style is for Dante only. To use it, press the D-pad in any direction twice. He will say "Get Set" to confirm correct entry. The attacks are really powerful, but kind of slow. Defeating Demonic Bosses You can use Nero's Devil Bringer to defeat Demonic Bosses. Before you daze any demonic Boss, get your Devil Trigger as high as possible. As soon as the enemy is dazed, hit the Devil Trigger and use the uppercut on the enemy. Using it in different areas of the enemy's body results in a nice combo. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Devil May Cry 4 cheat codes.
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