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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Makai Senki Disgaea : Makai no Ouji To Akai Tsuki Game Name : Makai Senki Disgaea : Makai no Ouji To Akai Tsuki System : Nintendo DS Date Added : 2008-08-05 18:14:16 Views : 39241 Etna Mode (JP) At Title Menu, put your cursor on New Game and press: X, Y, B, X, Y, B, A. Unlocking Etna's Chamber Push the button behind the throne, and another in the skull beside the weapon shop, and check the wall behind the Prinny in the same room as Longinus. Endings for Laharl/Default Mode (JP) Laharl/Default Mode features a whopping total of 8 alternate endings which can be unlocked!
Unlocking Etna Mode via New Game + Check out all her entries in her secret chamber before the last chapter and you'll be given the option to do Etna Mode in New Game +. Beauty Tyrant Overlord Etna Ending Pass the proposal for Alternate Netherworld and The Mysterious Seal in the Dark Assembly, then move on by defeating Priere, Marjoly and lastly Baal. Normal/Default Ending Beat the story normally by finishing the last chapter in Etna mode. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Makai Senki Disgaea : Makai no Ouji To Akai Tsuki cheat codes.
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