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Game Name : Burnout Dominator
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2007-03-15 05:32:30
Views : 31625

Movie Unlockables
Go to Driver Details and then Extras...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Dominator Series Unlock MovieDominator Car and Get 6,000 Dominator Points.
Factory Series Unlock MovieGet 500 Dominator Points.
Hotrod Series Unlock MovieGet 2,000 Dominator Points.
Race Specials Unlock MovieGet 4,500 Dominator Points.
Super Series Unlock MovieGet 3,000 Dominator Points.
Tuned Series Unlock MovieGet 1,200 Dominator Points.

Factory Series Cars Unlockables
Burnout Dominator Factory Series Cars Unlockables...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
American DrifterDrift over 3,000 ft. in the “Drift Challenge on Glacier Falls” event (2nd event in World Tour Factory Series) to win/unlock this car.
Factory GTGet the Gold Medal in the “Dominator Challenge on Glacier Falls” event (13th event in World Tour Factory Series) to win/unlock this car.
Factory SportsGet 50,000 Maniac Points during the “Maniac on Black Gold Highway” event (11th event in World Tour Factory Series) to win/unlock this car.
J CoupeTake down the J Coupe 2 times in the “Race on Tuscan Hills” event (7th event in World Tour Factory Series) to win/unlock this car.
Limited STGet 15 Near-misses during the “Race on Glacier Falls” event (4th event in World Tour Factory Series) to win/unlock this car.

World Tour Series Unlockables.
Burnout Dominator World Tour Series Unlockables...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Dominator SeriesUnlock any Dominator Car and Get 6,000 Dominator Points to Unlock this Series.
Factory SeriesGet 500 Dominator Points to Unlock this Series.
Hotrod SeriesGet 2,000 Dominator Points to Unlock this Series.
Race SpecialsGet 4,500 Dominator Points to Unlock this Series.
Super SeriesGet 3,000 Dominator Points to Unlock this Series.
Tuned SeriesGet 1,200 Dominator Points to Unlock this Series.

Super Series Cars Unlockables
Burnout Dominator Super Series Cars Unlockables...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
American SuperDrift over 9,000 ft. in the “Road Rage on Tuscan Hills” event (3rd event in World Tour Super Series) to win/unlock this car.
Euro SuperGet 100,000 Maniac Points during the “Maniac on Bushido Valley” event (2nd event in World Tour Super Series) to win/unlock this car.
Super MuscleTakedown the Super Muscle 3 times during the “Race on Bushido Peak” event (6th event in World Tour Super Series) to win/unlock this car.
Works GTPerform a 3X Burnout during the “Maniac on Tuscan Hills” event (10th event in World Tour Super Series) to win/unlock this car.

Classic Series Cars Unlockables
Burnout Dominator Classic Series Cars Unlockables...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
American ClassicGet 10,000 Maniac Points during the “Maniac on Glacier Falls” event (3rd event in World Tour Classic Series) to win/unlock this car.
Burnout ClassicPerform a 2X Burnout during the “Race on Black Gold Highway” event (4th event in World Tour Classic Series) to win/unlock this car.
Classic MuscleGet “Gold Medal” in the “Dominator Challenge on Bushido Peak” event (13th event in World Tour Classic Series) to win/unlock this car.
Drift ClassicDrift over 3,000 Points in the “Road Rage on Glacier Falls” event (8th event in World Tour Classic Series) to win/unlock this car.
Euro ClassicTakedown the Euro Classic in the “Race on Spiritual Towers” event (9th event in World Tour Classic Series) to win/unlock this car.

Tuned Series Cars Unlockables
Burnout Dominator Tuned Series Cars Unlockables...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Custom Coupe UltimatePerform a 2X Burnout during the “Near Miss Challenge on Autobahn” event (6th event in World Tour Tuned Series) to win/unlock this car.
Tuned DrifterDrift over 9,000 ft. in the “Race on Bushido Valley” event (3rd event in World Tour Tuned Series) to win/unlock this car.
Tuned MuscleTakedown the Tuned Muscle 3 times in the “Race on Steeltown Works” event (10th event in World Tour Tuned Series) to win/unlock this car.
Works M-TypeGet 50,000 Maniac Points during the “Maniac on Autobahn” event (7th event in World Tour Tuned Series) to win/unlock this car.

Hotrod Series Cars Unlockables
Burnout Dominator Hotrod Series Cars Unlockables...

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
AssassinGet 150,000 Maniac Points during the “Maniac on Ocean Drive” event (3rd event in World Tour Hotrod Series) to win/unlock this car.
ChargerGet the Gold in the “Dominator Challenge on Autobahn” event (13th event in World Tour Hotrod Series) to win/unlock this car.
Custom Hot RodDrift over 9,000 ft. in the “Maniac on Spiritual Gate” event (6th event in World Tour Hotrod Series) to win/unlock this car.
Street DodgerGet 15 Near Misses during the “Race on Autobahn Loop” event (5th event in World Tour Hotrod Series) to win/unlock this car.
Street RodPerform a 4X Burnout during the “Burnout Challenge on Tuscan View” event (11th event in World Tour Hotrod Series) to win/unlock this car.

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