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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Backyard Wrestling : Don't Try This At Home! Game Name : Backyard Wrestling : Don't Try This At Home! System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2006-12-22 05:48:05 Views : 23431 Change music If you get tired of the music playing while you are wrestling, press L1 + L2 to change it. Easy wins Knock out your opponent and catch the mattress on fire. After that, your opponent will probably wake up. Knock him out again, then grapple him and walk him over to the fire. Let him get out of the hold, then you can walk out of the fire. If he is able to get out of the fire, repeat. Game Unlockables Unlock the following extras, do the tasks listed below:
Unlock all cheats At the main menu, hold L1 and press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle to unlock all cheats in the game. From there you can use one of the following name codes:
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