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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Magical Starsign Game Name : Magical Starsign System : Nintendo DS Date Added : 2007-01-24 15:55:23 Views : 30662 Glissina Cave secret On Nova, in the Spiny Mole's tunnel, there is a small "X" on the map when you first enter the tunnel. On the first visit, this has no significance. However, if you return to the "X" after visiting Shadra for the first time, the "X" will turn into a hole that leads to Glissina Cave. In Glissina Cave, you must fight your way through many fights to the final floor. Once there you get an item that helps you defeat Master Macadameus. Note: The monsters in Glissina Cave can be tougher than the final Boss. Proceed with caution. Also, you cannot enter Glissina Cave if you have already defeated Shadra's first form. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Magical Starsign cheat codes.
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