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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Incredible Hulk : Ultimate Destruction Game Name : The Incredible Hulk : Ultimate Destruction System : Xbox Date Added : 2005-08-23 13:19:45 Views : 26605 Unlock Savage Banner You must beat the game once. At that point you can purchase him from the move shop for 1 million smash points. Aggressive traffic: Enter FROGGIE as a password. This doubles the speed of traffic and removes the veer functionality so that it is more aggressive. Indestructible cows In the badlands area, if you pick up a cow you can use it an unlimited amount of times as a bludgeon that will never break. Cheat mode At the Code Input Screen enter the following codes: Result - Code: Get 5,000 Smash Points - SMASH5 Get 10,000 Smash Points - SMASH10 Get 15,000 Smash Points - SMASH15 Double Value of Health Pickups - BRINGIT All Vehicles Become Taxis - CABBIES Black and White Graphics - RETRO Smash Point Levels: Password - Level/Title: TRY AGAIN - 1 Bruce Banner MUTANDA - 2 Spiller of Milk SMASH5 - 3 Puny Monkey! FSHNCHP - 4 Puny Human! OCANADA - 5 You\'re Not Really Trying! SMASH15 - 6 Big, Green and Useless BANDERA - 7 Merely Annoying DEUTSCH - 8 Hulk Smash CABBIES - 9 Civil Disaster SMASH10 - 10 Sheer Carnage FURAGGU - 11 Mass Destruction DRAPEAU - 12 Catastrophic Destruction AMERICA - 13 Total Devastation RETRO - 14 Strongest One There Is BRING IT - 15 Ultimate Destruction HISTORY - END God Cow missiles: Enter CHZGUN as a password to replace all missiles in the Outskirts with cows. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more The Incredible Hulk : Ultimate Destruction cheat codes.
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