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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Urbz : Sims in the City, The Game Name : Urbz : Sims in the City, The System : GameBoy Advance Date Added : 2005-01-20 11:48:09 Views : 78010 Heidi Shadows Heidi Shadows is a cheat ninja where you can buy Smoothies to get skill points and Simoleons. Heidi Shadows sells cheats in the form of Smoothies. To find her, you must first link up to someone else to unlock the weird planet location. At the telephone booth in SimQuarter next to the Flea Market, go to the planet place. Directly up at the top of the map on this planet are some stairs. Use them the to go up to the door. You will have a quick glance of a person (resembling like a ninja holding a flag). This is Heidi Shadows. To buy cheats, you must go here starting at 10:00 a.m. Heidi Shadows will disappear, then reappear. Buff Smoothie: Adds 1 Body Point Clock Smoothie: Adds 1 Mechanical point DaVinci Smoothie: Adds 1 Creative point Gourmet Smoothie: Adds 1 Cooking point Mind Smoothie: Adds 1 Logic point Rosebud Smoothie: Adds 2,000 Simoleons Silver Tongue Smoothie: Adds 1 Charisma Point Heidi's Stock is replenished before every appearance. Heidi Shadows' Shop is open from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Club Xizzle The password for Club Xizzle is 'Bucket'. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Urbz : Sims in the City, The cheat codes.
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